اشكر كل اللي مكملين معايا وبيدعموني واتمنى انهم يكونوا مندمجين وحابين القصة
فاضل يمكن 3 او 4 اجزاء تقريباً
الجزء الحادي عشر
The next day he stayed with the prince. He told the prince stories about the strange lands that he knew.
‘Dear little bird,’ said the prince, ‘you are telling me about strange and wonderful things, but the suffering of men and women is stranger than anything. Fly over my city, little bird. Tell me what you see there.’
So the swallow flew over the great city. He saw the rich eating and drinking in their beautiful houses. He saw the poor people sitting at the gate. He flew into the dark streets and saw the white faces of hungry children with sad eyes. Under a bridge, two little boys were lying close together to keep warm. ‘We are so hungry!’ they said. ‘You cannot lie there!’ shouted a guard.
Then the bird flew back and told the prince.
‘I am covered with fine gold,’ said the prince. ‘Take it off, piece by piece, and give it to my poor people.’
The bird pulled off the gold, until the Happy Prince looked grey and ugly. The bird took the gold to the poor, and the children’s faces became brighter. ‘We have bread now!’ they cried.