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What is the importance of self-confidence [ تمت إجابته ]

في تصنيف اللغه الانجليزيه
بواسطة طالب مبتدئ (163 نقاط)  
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95 مشاهدات
What is the importance of the self confidence  in children

How improve self confidence in childre

n c
ذو علاقة بإجابة على: Today I will start discussing self-confidence
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1 إجابة واحدة

بواسطة طالب متحمس (503 نقاط)  
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+1 تصويت
أفضل إجابة
I think that self confidence help a lot such us you will be able to accept you faults and learn from it, even if the people  still remember that you're a loser, you can't get your goals. However you're the only one who has the knowledge of his abilities.

In addition to this, you will have a strong personality.

More, If you have a project to do in front of the public, you need that confidence to present you project comfortably
بواسطة طالب مبتدئ (163 نقاط)  
Thank you
Improving children's self-confidence  plays a major role in maintaining their mental, physical and emotional health
بواسطة طالب متحمس (503 نقاط)  
عُدل بواسطة
Yup, you make a child who depends in himself
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