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#Find the mistakes#1 [ تمت إجابته ]

في تصنيف اللغه الانجليزيه
بواسطة طالب متحمس (646 نقاط)  
+6 تصويتات
602 مشاهدات

.Correct the mistakes in these sentences

Every answer will take a point

(First full answer will take the best answer(six points

.People is animals

. We’re likes other animals in several ways

 . We is both get hungry and thirsty, so we both needs food and waters

 . There is differences, too

.Many animal can live all alone

. But peoples need friends and family Without it

.we is unhappy

 .We am interesting animals

تم إغلاقه بملاحظة: تمت إجابته

5 إجابة

بواسطة طالب محترف (4.0ألف نقاط)  
+2 تصويتات

People are animals 

We're like other animals in several ways 

We are both get hungry and thirsty, so we both need food and waters 

There are differences too, 

Many animals can live all alone 

But people need friends and family without them 

We are unhappy 

we are interesting animals 

Thx & Good luck 


بواسطة طالب متحمس (646 نقاط)  
Great answer,Nouf
thanks for sharing..
بواسطة طالب متميز (1.6ألف نقاط)  
+2 تصويتات
كدة صح

.Correct the mistakes in these sentences  Every answer will take a point (The first full answer will take the best answer(six points. People are animals. We like other animals in several ways. We are both get hungry and thirsty, so we both need food and water. There are differences, too. Many animals can live all alone. But peoples need friends and family Without it  .we is unhappy. We are interested in animals
بواسطة طالب متحمس (646 نقاط)  
Good answer..
Thanks for trying and sharing..
بواسطة طالب مبتدئ (423 نقاط)  
+1 تصويت
People are animals

We're like other animals in several ways

We both get hungry and thirsty,  so we both need food and water

There are differences too

Many animals can live all alone

But people need friends and family

Without them we are unhappy

We are interesting animals

اذا غفلت عن اخطاء اخري..  ياريت تنبهيني..  اكون شاكرة
بواسطة طالب متحمس (646 نقاط)  
Excellent,my sister
There're no mistakes
Thanks for sharing..
بواسطة طالب مبتدئ (423 نقاط)  
May Allah give you happiness..  Thanks
بواسطة طالب متحمس (646 نقاط)  
You're welcome my sister ♥️
بواسطة طالب متميز (1.6ألف نقاط)  
+1 تصويت
اسف لان الاجابات غير مرتبة
بواسطة طالب متحمس (646 نقاط)  
No problem ,my brother
بواسطة طالب متميز (1.6ألف نقاط)  
شكرا جزيلا لك
بواسطة طالب متحمس (760 نقاط)  
+1 تصويت

.People are animals

. We’re like other animals in several ways

 . We are both get hungry and thirsty, so we are both need food and waters

 . There is differences, too

.Many animals can live all alone

. But peoples need friends and family Without them

.we are unhappy

 .We are interesting animal

بواسطة طالب متحمس (646 نقاط)  
Good answer,Larbi
thanks for sharing
بواسطة طالب متحمس (760 نقاط)  
Thank you so much ❤
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