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(2) ?.... What is the solution [ تمت إجابته ]

في تصنيف اللغه الانجليزيه
بواسطة طالب مبتدئ (214 نقاط)  
+2 تصويتات
295 مشاهدات

 * A horse is tied to a 20 foot long rope. The horse wants to get some

water that is 30 feet away. The horse gets the water easily. How is

 ? this

 * We eat it before it's coming to life and after it's death .  

  * The one who made it, didn't want it. The one who bought it, didn't need it.  The one who used it, never saw it. What is it

What is the solution to these puzzles? 
تمت إجابته

3 إجابة

بواسطة طالب مبتدئ (252 نقاط)  
مختارة بواسطة
+2 تصويتات
أفضل إجابة
1 The rope is tied to the horse from only one end, and the other end is free.

2 The hen. we eat it as an egg, befor it coming to life, and we eat it after it dies, as a chicken.

3 The white cloth by which the died one wears. I do not know its name in English.
بواسطة طالب مبتدئ (252 نقاط)  
تم الإظهار مرة أخرى بواسطة
1 The rope is tied to the horse from only one end, and the other end is free.

2 The hen. we eat it as an egg, befor it coming to life, and we eat it after it dies, as a chicken.

3 The white cloth by which the died one wears. I do not know its name in English.
بواسطة طالب مبتدئ (214 نقاط)  
The answers are correct
The third one is called the shroud or coffin
بواسطة طالب محترف (2.8ألف نقاط)  
+7 تصويتات

The other end of the rope is not tied to anything……. 1

chicken 2

The man that bought it didn't use it, if he needed it, he wouldn't have been in a state in which he was capable of buying anything.

The man who received it obviously didn't wish for it, refer back to the man who made it.

The man who used it couldn't have seen it, as he does not have the ability to do so!

بواسطة طالب مبتدئ (214 نقاط)  
The first two answers are correct, but I do not understand what you mean by the third * Is this just wordplay? *
بواسطة طالب محترف (4.1ألف نقاط)  
+1 تصويت

1 / i know this buzzle The other end of the rope isn’t tied to anything!

2 / I think it is an eggs or chicken

3/ un fortunately i dont know the meaning in English but in Arabic is

كفن .

بواسطة طالب مبتدئ (214 نقاط)  
The answers are correct,
in English * the shroud *  < الكفن > meaning
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