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ماالفرق بين [kind &Type] [ تمت إجابته ]

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ماالفرق type و kind

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Definition of the word Type

The word ‘type’ is used to show category or a sub-division within a bigger or whole thing. Moreover, the most appropriate use of the word ‘type’ must be followed by the preposition ‘of’ for the sentence to be correct.

Sentence Examples

  • This type of phone has become famous due to its substantial internal memory capacity (singular).
  • These types of phones have become famous due to its huge internal memory capacity (Plural).

In the above order, it is clear that the word ‘type’ is followed by the preposition ‘of’ which gives the sentence meaning. It is also evident that the sentence refers to a sub-category of phones among in the market that is being preferred due to its huge internal memory capacity.


Definition of the word Kind

The term ‘kind’ is usually used to express the sense of ‘sort’. It is also important to highlight that the term ‘kind’ is followed by a preposition ‘of’ which gives the sentences a complete meaning.

Sentence Examples

  • What kind of phone is this?

It is clear that the sentence has used the word kind in the sense of ‘sort’. Alternatively, the sentence would have read;

  • What sort of phone is this?


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