السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ❤️
مساء الخير ❤️
كيفكم جميعا اتمني تكونو بخير ❤️
معادنا اليوم مع محكمه جديده داخل جسم الانسان ⚔️ .....
Brain : let the court begin
The meal : I am a type of acid, and there are many forms in me, the most famous of which is long and thin
The Brain : Why do you want to enter a body?
The meal : I want to cross into the body because I am full of probiotics
Brain : That's exotic well . Now i will see the opinion of the defense lawyers , what do you think of what the defendant said
Stomach : It causes me damage, ulcers, and wounds inside me
liver : Its salts distort my cells, and ends up decreasing my ability to reproduce, leading to cirrhosis.
Brain : Oh my God, what is all this damage?
I definitely don't let you cross You will be sentenced to go straight to the intestines and out of the body after being imprisoned for a few hours
Brain : The session was lifted
now the court is over, can you guess what the food is?
انتهت محكمتنا لليوم بعدم السماح للطعام بالمرور انتظرونا في الجلسه القادمه ⚖️
بالتوفيق للجميع ❤️(✿^‿^)