If you can't explain it simply, then you don't understand it well enough
Nos sumus orti in cinere
Fool me once , shame on you
Fool me twice , shame on me
The Messenger of Allah said
When the son of Adam dies his actions are cut off except through three things :Arunning charity , a knouledge made use of , and a pious child praying for him
The darkest hour is just befour the dawn
Every diligent person has a share
هذا ليس سوى غيض من فيض من بحر ما علمنا فخر العرب الاسطورة ابراهيم عادل وباذن الله سيكون خير قدوة لنا في هذه الحياة في كل جوانبها .
بالتوفيق للجميع.