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بواسطة طالب متحمس (1.2ألف نقاط)  
+4 تصويتات
77 مشاهدات
Mona Lisa Mystery

Leonardo da Vinci started painting the Mona Lisa in

1503. It took him many years to paint this picture. The

Mona Lisa is now the world’s most famous painting.

What is so special about the Mona Lisa? The painting

shows a young woman with a mysterious smile. After

five hundred years, people still want to know what she

is thinking. The country of France keeps this painting in

an art gallery called the Louvre. Because it is so famous,

this painting now needs protection. In 1911, a gallery

worker hid the Mona Lisa under his coat. He stole the

painting and gave it to a friend. His friend copied the

painting a few times. Each time, he sold the copy and

called it the real Mona Lisa. This friend hid the real Mona

Lisa in a box. He kept it there for two years.

Then, when he tried to sell the painting,

the police caught him. The Mona Lisa

soon went back to the gallery. There are

some funny tributes to the Mona Lisa.

These tributes make the Mona Lisa even

more famous. An artist from Japan made

a Mona Lisa from pieces of burned toast.

Also, a lego fan used over thirty thousand

lego blocks to create Mona Lego. What

would Leonardo da Vinci think of that?

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بواسطة طالب عالمي (8.7ألف نقاط)  
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مساء الخير ❤️ 

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بالتوفيق ❤️⁦(✿^‿^)⁩ 

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