السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته...
كيف حالكم اعزائي؟
ارجو ان تكونوا في خير وعافيه..❤️
اغيب عنكم طويلاً ولكنني أعود اليكم دوماً مش عارف ايش مسوين لي بالظبط.هههههه..
قمت بإعداد بعض من المصطلحات اتمنى ان تستفيدوا منها..
raise/lower your sights
If you raise/lower your sights, your raise or lower your expectations, or you are more or less ambitious.
Ex : "He had to lower his sights and accept a less well-paid job than what he hoped for."
Sink your teeth into something
If you sink your teeth into something, you do it with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
Ex : "When Julie got promoted, she immediately sank her teeth into her new job."
The sky's the limit
To say means that there is no limit to the possibility of success or progress for someone or something.
Ex : "How successful do you think the project will be?" "Who knows ... the sky's the limit!""
Stand your ground
If you stand your ground you maintain your position and refuse to yield or give way.
Ex : "He claimed innocence and stood his ground in spite of the repeated accusations.
Please raise your sights and believe that the world is full of nice people and you're one of them.
Many blessings....