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بواسطة طالب محترف (3.8ألف نقاط)  
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Some people may experience amnesia and inability to remember the information, experience and skills they have experienced. Oblivion is a natural phenomenon created by Allah so that Arabs can live, but if this is more than normal, such as the inability to preserve information by the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, tasting) there is a real problem of oblivion and inability to memorize, so through a topic site we will identify the causes of oblivion, and ways of preserving information.

Causes of medical oblivion

Poor information in mind: this occurs as a result of rapid passing through the information and without focusing, due to similarity of information or minor differences between them

Malnutrition: Lack of omega-3 acids leads to poor mind nutrition and therefore poor memory, as well as vitamin deficiencies such as B1, B12, a) and minerals such as (iron, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur) are one of the causes of forgetfulness patients for lack of balance of nutrients

Obesity: Digesting many nutrients, and not having enough blood to reach the brain leads to poor memory, so it is recommended to reduce excess weight to avoid various health problems caused by high body fat

Psychological problems: The most important of these psychological problems are (depression, trauma and disasters, difficulty in life and suppression, noise, envy, extensive control of work, repeated interference of daily events, and attempted quick gain); all these problems lead to the difficulty of establishing information transmitted by the five senses to the brain, and therefore the result is a weakness in memory

Drugs and stimulants: Taking stimulant, hypnotic, drug and alcohol medications negatively affects and kills brain cells, leading to premature aging, lack of conservation and concentration

Lack of movement, reading and hobbies: activates the mind with the active body, so you should reduce laziness and exercise, it is known that reading and reading is the food of the mind, as well as hobbies activate mental abilities and memory


First you know the reasons why previous oblivion has emerged and try to avoid it, and then follow the next steps that help you save quickly:

See and read before saving: When saving information, see it, read it and try to understand the content of the information

Choose the right time to save: there are useful times to save when your mind is at its best (before and after dawn prayers, lack of noise, lack of special occasions and problems);

Linking information: Try to link the information to an event or something that helps the mind to remember and not forget the information

Repeating information: Always repeat the information you saved during your day and free time, and it is recommended to listen to the error, it further establishes the information in the mind

Treatment of memory impairment

Herbs: Weeds should be drinking more herbs such as marmalique, rosemary, tarragon leaves, mint, cloves, etc.;

Touch: Follow the following

Learn to write on the printer and computer

Massage of the earlobe

Writing all the information to be remembered in the future (appointments, important information, etc.) puts it on a special note so you don't forget it over time

Light exercise, the most important of which is walking half an hour a day

Playing memory-activated games such as (chess, image arrangement, computer games that need to be focused);

Hobbies are the most important (reading, writing, drawing, listening to music, etc.) they improve mood

Understanding information before it is saved, it entrenches information in the mind.

Reduce or not use a mobile phone unless necessary

Good luck, and I'll see you at the top.

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بواسطة طالب محترف (3.8ألف نقاط)  
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I like this article..
Good luck bro
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