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How to benefit from your summer vacation correctly?

في تصنيف اللغه الانجليزيه
بواسطة طالب محترف (3.8ألف نقاط)  
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55 مشاهدات

At last.. School holidays

After long, stressful months of studying, following up and reviewing, you now have the right to spend your school vacation and determine what you like to do during the holiday. Full entertainment during this holiday is essential for you, qualifying you appropriately for the next stage of your career

Comfort and entertainment are not sub-matters or perfection for the average student, especially the international student. In fact, entertainment for the international student in particular is very important, considering that the international student usually feels alienated or distressed frequently, throughout his studies abroad.

Here we have some ideas that might help you entertain and change the atmosphere, and have a good time to keep studying and focusing properly.


On summer holidays, you have plenty of time to spend quality time traveling and trekking. You can travel and change your place of residence for a few days. You can go home to have fun with your relatives and friends.

Travel will refresh your mind and feelings, and will turn you into a flame of activity once you return to your city and study

Explore the city

One of the funniest things you can have is to set a certain time in your job to explore the city you're studying in. Explore its culture, civilization, natural manifestations, folk food, what people love and hate. In short, consider yourself a lucky tourist to spend a long time in this city.

It is recommended that you take this step strongly, if you are an international student and recently came to study in a city, and you did not have enough time to explore the city

Going out with friends

With full adherence to Arab religious, social and cultural controls, customs and traditions, you can enjoy accompanying your friends to many fun destinations that can apply to you and make you have a good time.. Cinema, for example. Going out to one of the special coffee shops. Dine in a restaurant with your friends.

Cultural Life

Each of us has certain cultural tendencies. If you're the kind of person who loves books and reading, why don't you set a certain time a week to go to a nearby library? .. If you're a photography enthusiast, make a weekly appointment to practice your hobby of landscape photography while walking.

If you're a museum and antiquities enthusiast, set yourself up for a time-spent time at a nearby museum in your city. And so on. The important thing is not to let your cultural hobbies go out during your studies abroad, on the contrary... Try to develop it more, and take advantage of it to have a good time.


Maybe you should have allocated part of your budget to participate in a gym, or gym. This is absolutely essential for your health and will protect you from the risks of weight gain or isolation from people and society

You can register for sports at your university, in outdoor clubs, or in sports activities held by universities in the summer period. As your budget allows.

Training in companies

The time will come when you will definitely get bored of going out with friends and traveling You can use time from the summer vacation to train with a company in your field, ensuring a good opportunity to hire after completing your studies. These summer vacation workouts will give you a huge industry, making you significantly superior to your peers.

Good luck, and I'll see you at the top.

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بواسطة طالب عالمي (8.7ألف نقاط)  
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السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ❤️ 

Good evening ❤️ 

great topic 

Good luck ❤️(✿^‿^) 

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