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Simple ways to make your idea acceptable in writing and ideas to help you find it

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بواسطة طالب محترف (3.8ألف نقاط)  
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75 مشاهدات

Writing is one of the oldest means used by humans to communicate, express and exchange cultures, since its appearance in ancient times, and it is the largest guide and the most important reference in the study of the conditions of peoples and the history of the country.

 Writing has developed through the ages and many types have emerged. We are not here to study those developments. Let us make them in a separate report after that, and allow me, dear reader, to go beyond several centuries since I started writing until we reach the last decade in which we live.

 In the last decade in particular, social media has increased many changes at the individual and societal level. What concerns us here is remote work and the availability of wide job opportunities, areas that would not have existed without it, and to tell you a living proverb: I work by writing, I work by writing now despite my remote residence Several kilometers from the capital, where the headquarters of the sites in which I work are located, and thousands of kilometers from the Aragic team, which reads these lines on its pages

 This was impossible a few years ago, but now with a way to communicate and create many, many multi-directional websites, that dream has become possible, and with ease

 In this report, you find the appropriate way to get ideas for writing that are acceptable for the site you work on, with some things that help you flow ideas, as we know ideas are the writer's real capital

 Rejecting the idea does not mean that it is bad, but may not be suitable for the site

 The large number of websites now makes each of them search for a source of strength through which to attract readers, in addition to the fact that each of them has a specific nature, such as educational and cultural sites, sites for women and children, education, and public sites that discuss many things such as political, religious and social issues...and so on. Therefore, choosing an appropriate idea that receives acceptance from presidents and finds an acceptable resonance with readers must be subject to several criteria, the most important of which are

 Knowing the audience of the site

 Each site targets a specific segment of readers, for example, the women’s site, which is interested in the age group that does not exceed 45 years, its readers will not be interested in talking about aging diseases, which are not among his interests in his current situation, so the topic will not find any acceptance

 Understand the nature of the site

 In Aragik, for example, we do not seek to attract any party, but rather to create a society that attracts young people to read and research. The publishing decisions were not to write in direct political articles, because as it is known to everyone, political opinions and orientations are different and subject to many and many rulings, and despite us create a kind of intellectual polarization. Which is against a main principle of the site, so putting forward a confrontational political idea will not be accepted and will not be published

 Simple ways to boost your ability to generate writing ideas

 One of the most difficult things that a writer experiences is feeling emptiness in his mind, so he cannot find a suitable idea to write about. I am not talking about the inability to write or what is known as “writing block” or the writer’s lock, i.e. the inability to express in writing a specific idea, but rather I'm talking about having no idea at all


 The diary is always a refuge for new ideas, dedicating a quarter of an hour a day to write some of the people and situations that happened to you, then he may have the upper hand in finding a good idea to write, for example if you recorded in your diary about that wedding you attended and it was full of exaggeration in everything Maybe from that line you can find an idea to write about how to prepare a good wedding with little money

 You may get ideas for writing from paying attention to the reality you live in

 What is meant here is to note the permanent, simple and frequent changes that are going on around you, for example, in Egypt, the study begins every year from mid-September to the first of October, depending on the nature of the site as we mentioned. How to prepare quick healthy meals for their children at school, and if the site is cultural, you can provide some advice to students about the most appropriate ways to start the new year actively and increase methods of achievement from the beginning ... and so on.

  Reading in a variety of fields

 Of course, people’s tendencies differ, and a person finds himself inclined to a certain type of reading that he likes more than others, but the writer must possess the minimum knowledge in several areas, even if he is mainly interested in a specific direction in writing, because this helps him to find ideas. Telling about Al-Hakim Bi-Amr Allah Al-Fatimi, who said about himself that he is a god, can help you to search for that psychological disorder that he suffered

  Movies and programs of all kinds

 Watching people's lives and following them, whether on the ground or through films, and hearing their complaints and aspirations in programs is a very fertile material for the production of ideas. The woman who submitted her complaint to a program about the high prices of clothes can inspire you to ask your mind about how clothes originated and how they evolved into their current form The rich do not pay to buy simple clothes, while the poor borrow to buy expensive clothes

 Follow the various foreign and Arab websites

 One of the positive aspects of the multiplicity of sites and the multiplicity of writers is the difference between these writings in terms of style and ways of dealing with ideas, which allows a wide scope for the existence of knowledge

 Constant research is your way to inexhaustible ideas for writing

 Searching today does not require the travel and money that it did in the past, just a few clicks on your mobile phone and you will get everything you want and what you are looking for information from all over the world. Subscribe to sites that benefit your writing trends, follow updates continuously, and be in touch with science. The knowledge is inexhaustible

 Think of the audience

 I do not mean here that you write to satisfy the audience, as this type comes out with poor writing and lowers the level of public taste. Perhaps you have noticed the level of some novels in recent times, but the point is to know what interests the audience now

 After a few weeks, the summer begins and the travels begin. What if you submit an article about the most important tourist places in your country with details of accommodation and an average budget for each place? Or an article on how to save money from unimportant things and replace them with more important ones? This is what is meant, what you are looking for you will find with us in a correct, simple and doable method

 Being in the middle of the book

 The environment surrounding the individual affects his thoughts and orientations, so surrounding yourself with a group of writers helps you to strengthen your ideas. Being present is done in several ways, the top of which is direct communication with other writers, and if that direct communication is not available, you can follow his personal page on Facebook and follow his articles on an ongoing basis as well as His press and television interviews

 Finally, writing is one of the creative acts that requires attention to keep that creativity flowing, outward attention to events, processes, and locations, and inner attention to what is happening around you; The idea for this article came to me when I was frustrated because I had no idea to write about, so I decided to write about what makes thoughts flow inside you.

 Good luck, and see you at the top

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