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Tell the difference [ تمت إجابته ]

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بواسطة طالب محترف (3.4ألف نقاط)  
+6 تصويتات
359 مشاهدات
What is the difference between perfume, scent, and aroma?

Thanks in advance
تم إغلاقه بملاحظة: تمت إجابته

4 إجابة

بواسطة طالب محترف (2.6ألف نقاط)  
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بواسطة طالب متميز (2.1ألف نقاط)  
+3 تصويتات
perfumتعني عطر اما aroma رائحة مميزة ولطيفة و scent رائحة طيبة
بواسطة طالب محترف (2.9ألف نقاط)  
+3 تصويتات

Fragrance has a positive connotation. Flowers are fragrant. The others we would qualify: he had a fowl aroma, that has a nice scent.


Fragrance = strong smell, like a flower or perfume

Aroma = generally good smell, as in baking

Smell = anything, good or bad

I don't hear scent used, I believe it's not common in reference to smells

بواسطة طالب محترف (3.4ألف نقاط)  
Thank you for all of that
 I found the word " scent" on the air freshener the same as I  found aroma, so I got confused.
Maybe there is a deeper difference between them
بواسطة طالب جديد (43 نقاط)  
+2 تصويتات

The difference between fragrance, scent and aroma

Difference between fragrance and scent

The words fragrance and scent are usually used synonymously, the difference is fine: while fragrance denotes a pleasant fragrance, scent is used for an unmistakable fragrance.

Even finer is the

Difference between fragrance and aroma

Both refer to pleasant smells: while aroma refers more to plants, spices and food, fragrance is more associated with perfume and flowers.

بواسطة طالب محترف (3.4ألف نقاط)  
What do you mean by unmistakable fragrance ? Does it mean the smell is femiliar and easy to recognize or what?
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