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?How to prepare for English language exams

في تصنيف مدونين طليق
بواسطة طالب محترف (3.8ألف نقاط)  
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165 مشاهدات

You'll appear on the exam. In the curriculum, there must be a summary of whether, for example, a unit exam or a full test covering the entire subject

Read your notes. You should serve your chapter notes to provide you with a general idea of what information your teacher considers most important or more important than custom readings. If you're taking notes when reading the course material or taking notes about the important parts, you should also review those notes and fragments.

Create a study guide. While reviewing the book (books) that the test will cover, take notes summarizing what you read. You can review important parts and take notes about key people, places and events for your book or books in order to prepare your full study guide

Test yourself after writing your study guide and collecting all the notes and study materials that have been distributed, you should review this information so you can remember any part of the article. You can test your knowledge of materials by reviewing testing and memory. Read a line of your notes covering or blocking the answer and determine whether it's possible for you to know what the notes say (without cheating)

Take the exam. After intensive study sessions, you should be ready for the exam. However, besides knowing the information, it may be useful to know how to take the exam efficiently. If you're going to take a multi-choice exam, it's very easy to answer questions systematically so that you increase your ability to succeed

Part 2 of 4

Get ready for an article exam

Reread the book for the exam. If you have enough time, it may be useful to reread the book or books you will be examined for. If you don't have time to review all the books, at least you should reread the most difficult parts

Review old test questions. Although you may not know exactly what you will be asked to test an article, you should have a good idea based on the completion of previous readings and exams you have done. If you predict what you'll be asked for in the exam, you can study more efficiently and draw your article long before the test is due.

Expect possible exam questions. After getting an idea of the types of essay questions that can be asked, check out your feedback and study materials taking into account this knowledge. Try to devise potential questions by asking you what you know about teacher article questions in the past and thinking about your thoughtful and eloquent answers to those hypothetical questions

Draw your article responses at home. After devising some possible questions for the article, try drawing your answers to these questions, which will help you save some of the information you should know and determine how best to organize the article

Take the article test. Once you have reviewed the exam material and covered the potential topics of written articles and training articles, you should be prepared to take the test. Try to control the rhythm if you go to work within a specified period of time and make sure you read all the questions carefully (with their instructions) before answering

Part 3 of 4

Find better ways to study

Rewrite your notes. Rewriting your notes can help you process and save chair and reading information. However, when rewriting your notes, you should be careful to reformulate and summarize what your original notes say and not just copy them literally

Making and using memory cards. These are easy to set up and can be a valuable tool for study. You can use these cards to study and save terms, concepts, names, dates and key places

Divide your study sessions. Although you may be tempted to burn your eyelashes before the exam, you won't keep much information if you have long and stressful study sessions. Instead, you should study more efficiently by dividing study sessions into smaller and more manageable time blocks

Determine the way you study in the best way. There are some night owls who find themselves more productive at night. On the other hand, morning people may prefer to wake up early after a good night's sleep and study with coffee. No matter how you study, it's important to try different times and places to determine what's best for you.

Part 4 of 4

I feel the best way on exam day.

Sleep well at night. It is important to sleep a good night before the exam. You must introduce yourself to alert you and wake up in class, ready to start as soon as possible

Start the morning well. In order to feel your best on exam day, you must follow your usual morning routine. If you usually shower in the morning, give yourself enough time to do so. You just have to be careful to leave early enough to get to class at least 15 minutes before the test to make sure you're in the right classroom.

Take everything you need. When you leave home on exam day, you should be careful to take everything you need for the exam. The last thing you want is to introduce yourself without getting ready in any way.

Good luck, and I'll see you at the top.

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بواسطة طالب محترف (4.1ألف نقاط)  
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Nice  , Thx for this information  

Can u translate it to Arabic because  many people here  are starting study English  

And Thx keep going  

بواسطة طالب محترف (3.8ألف نقاط)  
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للغة العربية و اللغة التركية
بواسطة طالب محترف (4.1ألف نقاط)  
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