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[Wordology] De = Down; Fully

في تصنيف اللغه الانجليزيه
بواسطة طالب محترف (3.8ألف نقاط)  
+5 تصويتات
271 مشاهدات
Time for [Word-ology] again, a column making English learning easier!

Before today’s learning, let’s check the answers to the last episode.

contrary = contra-[against] + -ry[adj.]

Definition: the opposite

controversy = contro-[against] + -vers[turn]

Definition: a lot of disagreement or argument about something

Today we will learn a prefix, “de.”. It means “down or fully”.

You’ll be able to know the meaning of a word through its suffix, prefix, and root. Words with prefixes “de.” will somehow relate to “down or fully” in its definition.

Let’s take a further look at two words both having this prefix with example sentences.

Debate = de.[fully] + bate.[beat]

So, the definition of “debate” is :

“(a) serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part” (Cambridge Dictionary).

Here’s an example of “debate” :

i.e. Education is the current focus of public debate.

Similarly, one could see the same rule in word “despise”.

Despise = de.[down] +spis.[look] +e.[adj.]

So, the definition of “despise” is :

“to feel a strong dislike for someone or something because you think that that person or thing is bad or has no value” (Cambridge Dictionary).

Here’s an example of “despise” :

i.e. The two groups despise each other.

Now it’s your time to figure out the meanings of the following words!

decease = de-[fully] + -cease[stop]

decide = de–[fully] + –cide[cut]

That’s all for [Word-ology] today!

Please leave your answers in the comment below.

If you enjoy it, don’t hesitate to let us know~

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انا الصراحه لم افهم شئ مما كتبته ..

اتمنى ان تكون المعلومه منظمه اكثر فى المره القادمه

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الحمد لله يا رنا ❤❤ شكرا على السؤال
و انتى طيبه يا روحى ♥️♥️ و شكرا مره تاانيه على التهنئه ♥️♥️
بواسطة طالب متميز (2.3ألف نقاط)  
تسلمي يا رب منال شكرا علي ايه ❤️❤️
بالتوفيق منال ❤️
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